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Limerick to host public meeting in Ireland’s Future all island series

An “in person” panel discussion will take place in the Clayton Hotel, Limerick, on Thursday 24th February at 7pm, to discuss constitutional change and the ever-increasing likelihood of a border poll and Irish unity.  

This is the sixth meeting in an all island series, organised by the pro-Irish unity civic group, Ireland’s Future, and follows previous meetings the group have organised in Cork, Galway, Dublin, Armagh and Derry. 

The Limerick meeting will be chaired by broadcaster Vincent Browne and panelists taking part are Fianna Fáil Councillor and Mayor of Longford Uruemu Adejinmi, Sinn Féin TD Maurice Quinlivan, Fianna Fáil TD Cathal Crowe, writer Sandrine Ndahiro and author Dr Ruán O’Donnell

Speaking in advance Ireland’s Future Secretary Niall Murphy, said:  

“We are absolutely delighted to be bringing this conversation to Limerick. Like previous panels in Cork, Galway, Dublin, Armagh and Dublin, the Limerick panel is a diverse group and reflective of the new and united Ireland we want to see. One of equality, social justice and rights.  

“Ireland’s Future wants to stimulate conversation about how our people are best served and our island is best governed in the coming time. We are organising public meetings the length and breadth of Ireland because we know the issue of referendums and constitutional change is coming and we want the people of Ireland to be involved in, and have ownership of the conversation in advance of the referendum date being announced.  

“There is momentum building towards a unity referendum taking place in the not-too-distant future. Increasingly people are recognising that Irish unity is the outcome that holds most appeal and there is a growing demand for an in-depth conversation on where this all leads to.  

“Unionism in the north is now a minority and growing numbers of people across the island are asking the Irish Government to take the lead and prepare for a new, agreed and united Ireland.  

“The economic potential of a united Ireland is becoming very clear for all to see, particularly in the context of Brexit.  

“The benefits of Irish unity to people north and south and the economy in both jurisdictions is becoming very apparent. Much of the north has never been developed to its true economic potential and a united Ireland, will unleash that economic potential with the entire island economy growing and becoming much more productive. That will mean the entire island of Ireland developing a stronger, more robust economy with increased numbers of better jobs and higher standards of living for people in all thirty-two counties.  

“We encourage people in Limerick to play a leading role in this conversation. We want the Government to establish an all island Citizens’ Assembly to examine the constitutional future of the island.  We want to hear a broad range of voices, we want people, particularly our young, to have their say in how we build a new and united Ireland that cherishes all the children of the nation equally. Ireland’s Future is encouraging people to come along to the meeting in Limerick to listen and engage and be a part of the preparation and planning for a new, agreed and united Ireland. ” 

The event will take place at 7PM on Thursday 24th February at the Clayton Hotel, Limerick and will also be broadcast live on Ireland’s Future Facebook, Twitter and YouTube channel.  

Please register here for free tickets at Eventbrite:


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