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Ireland’s Future welcomes Seanad vote – Senator Frances Black

Ireland’s Future Chairperson Senator Frances Black has welcomed last night’s vote in the Seanad calling for a Citizens’ Assembly to plan and prepare for constitutional change.

Commenting today, Senator Black said,

“I was delighted to propose the amendment to the Fianna Fáil motion at last night’s debate in the Seanad.

My amendment called for responsible planning and preparation for constitutional change and supported the establishment of a Citizens’ Assembly.

“This is an extremely significant vote and the adoption of this position by the Seanad is part of the growing and developing conversation on the broad issue of constitutional change.

“The Oireachtas committee for the implementation of the Good Friday Agreement Committee also heard from Reverend Karen Sutheraman and Trevor Lunn MLA earlier today.

“As Reverend Sethuraman pointed out this morning, these conversations are happening around kitchen tables the length and breadth of this island.

“A Citizens’ Assembly facilitates a more structured form of conversation and provides a safe environment for ordinary citizens from all backgrounds to talk about their vision for the future.”

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